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by Absolute Pets
Bonding with your pet is key to developing a happy and healthy relationship with them, which naturally has many benefits. In this article, we discuss some of the simple but powerful ways you can bond with your pet.

how to bond with your pet

1. Engage in playtime

Dedicating quality time to play with your pet is a great way to build a closer bond with them. Tug of war, for instance, is a wonderful interactive game to play with your dog as you enjoy each other’s company. A fun game of chase with a wand toy, on the other hand, is a great bonding experience with your cat – simply grab a wand toy and pull it around for you and your cat to play together!

If you notice that your pet gets a little too rough during playtime, practice saying a firm ‘no’, or end the game you are playing to work towards correcting this behaviour. However, if your pet follows the rules and safety parameters you’ve established for playtime, make sure to reward them by letting them win regularly. This makes the game more enjoyable for them and teaches them to trust that you will play fair.

Regardless of the games you play with your pet, make sure to give them your undivided attention, as this can help make them feel like a special part of your life.

If you’re looking for new and interactive toys that allow you and your pet to play together, explore our wide selection for dogs, cats, birds and small animals. Please note that we strongly recommend supervising your pet with any toy.

2. Praise your pet with purpose

Consistently praising your pet for good behaviour is another important part of bonding, as it teaches them important boundaries by showing them what is and is not acceptable. You can reward your pet for things like giving back toys, running back to you at the park, relaxing quietly, not scratching furniture and coming when called. Rewards can include treats (browse our treats for dogs and cats) praise, petting, or a favourite toy or game.

3. Create some time to cuddle your pet

Cuddling your pet can help you both feel secure and loved. Some pets enjoy cuddling all the time and won’t allow you to stop once you’ve made first contact. Other pets are situational about the type of cuddling they want. For example, they might enjoy cuddling at the end of the day when they’re tired, but during the day they prefer to have some space. For others, petting in certain areas of the body does the trick!

While there are many ways to cuddle a pet, it is important to pay close attention to their reactions and assess whether and how they want to be cuddled. Pets who want you to continue cuddling them are more likely to display positive body language, such as settling into a down position and shutting their eyes, bumping their nose against your hand, leaning into your body or using a paw to gently tap you. If you notice your pet ducks away from you when you try to cuddle them, try backing off or reconsidering your technique. As long as you understand your pet’s preferences, cuddling is a great way for both of you to bond.

4. Gently groom them

Grooming your pet at home is another key bonding opportunity. By using a firm but gentle hand, your pet will learn that it is okay for their body and feet to be handled, which can help build trust and understanding. As for you, grooming your pet can be a relaxing and satisfying experience – You’ll get to spend more time with them while helping them look and feel their best!

Regular grooming also allows for a closer inspection of the skin and coat, which can assist with the early detection of lumps, bumps or skin problems that require veterinary attention.

To groom your pet at home (or in between pet spa treatments), take a look at our quality selection of dog grooming tools and cat grooming tools. To make the grooming experience more enjoyable for both you and your pet, consider our handy tips here. Alternatively, if you are nervous to wash your pet yourself, or don’t have the right set up at home, visit one of our Pet Spas.

5. Prepare them for their visit to the vet

Many pets are fearful of visits to the vet. However, there are helpful steps which you can take to make these visits more comfortable for them, so that they are not afraid or stressed out when the time comes. These include gently handling areas of your pet's body, such as the legs, paws, ears and mouth, that would typically form part a physical examination at the vet clinic. This can encourage familiarity to routine veterinary handling and is, in itself, a great bonding opportunity! It's best to start doing this kind of preparation when your pet is young, but it's never too late to start. For more information on preparing your pet for a vet visit, read our article here.

Taking the time to bond with your beloved pet shows them how much you care about them and how important they are to you. We hope that these tips will enrich the special relationship you have with them.


Ask the experts

A huge thank you to Robyn Clements and Mary Pat Schmidt of the Cape Handlers Dog Club for sharing their knowledge with us, to write this article. If you have any questions about bonding with your pet, we highly recommend you ask your vet or speak to a qualified animal behaviourist or trainer.

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