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by Absolute Pets

As the new year begins, many people take the opportunity to reflect on their lives and set goals for self-improvement. But if you’re a pet parent, those goals can include some pet parenting goals too. Responsible pet parenting is essential for the well-being and happiness of our companions. It involves providing them with a safe and loving environment, meeting their physical and emotional needs, and ensuring their overall health and happiness. 

Responsible pet parenting starts with understanding the commitment involved in bringing a pet home. It's not just about feeding and sheltering them - it's about providing love, companionship, and care for their entire lives.  

1. Creating a healthy and balanced routine for your pet 

Just like humans, pets thrive on routine, making it essential for their overall well-being. This includes providing them with scheduled meals, daily walks, mental stimulation, and rest. A consistent routine not only helps pets feel secure and in control, but it also helps prevent behavioural issues and promotes a healthy lifestyle. 

When creating a routine for your pet, consider their specific needs and preferences. This can include walks, interactive playtime, and puzzle toys. It's important to find a routine that works for both you and your pet, taking into account your schedule, and lifestyle. 

2. Proper nutrition for a happy and healthy pet 

A balanced and nutritious diet is essential for your pet's overall health, energy levels, and lifespan. When it comes to pet food, it's important to choose high-quality options that meet their specific nutritional needs. This includes selecting the right type of food (dry, wet, raw), considering their age, breed, and activity level, and avoiding ingredients that may be harmful or allergenic. 

We highly recommend a vet-recommended dog food or cat food. If you need some help, chat to one of our Pet Care Advisors who are trained to help you make informed decisions about your pet's diet.  

3. Exercise and mental stimulation for all-round health 

Regular exercise not only helps your pet maintain a healthy weight but also prevents boredom and reduces anxiety. Different pets have different exercise needs, so it's important to tailor their physical activities to their breed, age, and health status. 

Dogs, for example, benefit from daily walks, runs, or playtime in a secure and safe area. Interactive toys, such as puzzle feeders or treat-dispensing toys, can also provide mental stimulation and keep them engaged.  

Cats, on the other hand, enjoy climbing, chasing toys, and exploring their environment. Providing them with scratching posts, and interactive toys, like danglers and wobbles, can help satisfy their natural instincts and keep them mentally stimulated. 

4. Annual veterinary check-ups and vaccinations 

Just like humans, pets require regular check-ups and vaccinations to stay healthy and potentially prevent more serious health conditions. It's important to establish a relationship with a trusted veterinarian who can provide routine care, diagnose and treat illnesses or injuries, and offer advice. 

Vaccines are used to protect your pet's immune system against bacterial and viral illnesses. This can include canine parvovirus, rabies, feline panleukopenia and many other preventable diseases.   

5. Keep up to date with your pet's tick and flea treatment. 

Preventive measures, such as tick and flea control, and regular parasite prevention, are crucial for your pet's well-being. These measures help protect them from common diseases and infestations that can be harmful or even life-threatening. If you struggle to keep track of your pet’s treatment, we have an easy way to track and monitor this, with our helpful Routine Care Guide.  

Visit Absolute Pets online or pop in to one of our stores to find the best tick and flea solutions for your pet. Read here for more about dog and cat tick and flea treatments. 

6. Training and socialization for a well-behaved pet 

Proper training helps pets understand boundaries and learn basic commands. It also strengthens the bond between you and your pet and promotes a harmonious relationship. 

Start training your pet from an early age, using positive reinforcement techniques such as treats and praise. Focus on basic commands like sit, stay, and come, and gradually introduce more advanced training as they progress. Socialization is equally important, especially for puppies and kittens. Expose them to different environments, people, and animals to help them become confident, well-adjusted, and friendly. However, ensure they have received their vaccinations before you do so. 

7. Creating a stronger bond with your pet 

This is the real fun side of responsible pet parenting. It’s all about building a strong and loving bond with your pet. Pets thrive on human interaction and companionship, and it's important to spend quality time with them every day. Building a strong relationship with your pet takes time and effort. It requires patience, understanding, and a willingness to communicate and connect with them on their terms, but can be loads of fun for you both. Here are a few simple but powerful ways you can bond with your pet. 

As we embark on a new year, let us embrace the opportunity to become the best pet parents we can be. Let us strive to provide the love, care, and attention our pets deserve, and in return, we will be rewarded with the unconditional love and companionship that only a pet can provide. 

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